
Yoga on SUN Day

We had a beautiful SUN day...

The studio at Halcyon Health lit up with sunlight and a beautiful breeze. Cassandra guided us through an amazing practice of yoga.

Some met their yoga practice for the first time. Some said hello to muscles that had been hiding. Some opened up hips, knees, and shoulders.

We hung upside down with gratitude. Rooted our feet and stood tall and strong like trees. Smiled and laughed from our bellies.

Held hands in shavassana. And shared our gratitude for the day and each other.

I was reminded yet again how much I missed being IN my body accepting it just as it is. Often we run around pushing ourselves and our minds to do and be better... how exhausting. Cass had a great name for busy minds... Monkey Minds. Well on Sunday the monkey in me got to rest... even as I write this today she is much more chilled out.

I find that after yoga colors are more vibrant, people are much kinder, my body is loose and at ease... my mind is more calm and my soul is more grateful.

Thank you to Tiina, Cass, Eric and a great meeting of Souls on sun filled Sunday.