
Homemade Personal Care Product Workshop

Another great workshop success! We had a great turn out and the sun backed us up in full force.

We made an all natural and organic peppermint foot scrub, and soothing face serum. Both cooling and soothing products for summer.

We talked about chemicals and preservatives in personal care products.

Here is a little taste to help you out! Go and check your labels now! Look for Parabens. The problem with Parabens (which are a cheap preservative) is that they mimic estrogen so they reek havoc on your endocrine system (which regulates your hormones). Parabens are being detected in human breast milk and breast tumors. They are known carcinogens... and why they are allowed in personal care products I still do not understand.

Producers claim the amounts of Parabens in their products are safe for one time use. However, you use these products everyday... and chances are they are in all of your products... so this adds up to a lot of parabens for your skin to absorb. Did you know your skin absorbs 65% of what you put on it?

Health Canada recommends to producers that Parabens not be used in personal care products. However, this is a recommendation not a regulation.

All this said I want to close this post off with good news! You can look for products that are Paraben free (even Shopper's carries them now) Or even better make your own personal care products that are all natural and way more affordable that commercial products... and they best part is they are safe for you, the planet and animals.

We will be offering this workshop again in the fall... and we hope to see you there!
