
New Babies are a great reason to choose natural non-toxic products for you, your family and your home

I first met Maya when she was still in her Mom's tummy. No matter how many new borns I meet I can't help but be amazed by how truly magical the creation of life is. I find I can watch a baby like I can watch an animal... I loose all sense of time and am often filled with a sense of awe, appreciation and an overwhelming feeling of responsibility to guard and keep them and their surroundings safe... and I am not even a parent yet!

The truth is I visit a lot of my clients in their homes, which are clearly intimate and private spaces. I am continually surprised to find toxic air freshener sprays, plug ins, scented candles, scented fragrance sticks, fragranced body products, anti-bacterial soap among a number of other products that are not only harmful for us but extremely dangerous for babies and children.

I am in a constant struggle about sharing what I know without sounding like a nosey, judgmental, conspiracy consumed woman... but the truth is the regulations industry for these products is not even close what it needs to be... and the advertising campaigns promote these products like they will actually help you and your family stay healthy and smelling crisp and clean. The truth is they reek havoc on your immune system, respiratory system, your hormones, your skin, and when they go down the drain they also affect the health of our water, animals and our environment. The other important truth is that when I say something about it... well it is because I care and not so long ago, I did not know about any of this either.

So in my bid to keep myself, my family, my friends, my clients, the environment and animals healthy I do what I can by holding our natural cleaning and personal care products workshops, sending out newsletters, and sharing new products, made by people I truly believe in... like Jenn From The Blue House Jenn makes "out of this world" natural, non toxic yummy smelling, moisturizing, soap by hand. I bought one... and then bought a bag so I could share her amazing soaps with my clients.

One thing I know for sure... is change starts small... I encourage and challenge you to switch to one natural, biodegradable, non-toxic product for you and or your home... I also want to stress that you make sure it is fragrance free or made with natural essential oils like lavender, tea tree oil, lemon, rosemary, among many others... these oils not only smell amazing they are good for you, they can help heal your skin and your spirit and they are naturally anti-bacterial.

Want to learn how to make your own cleaning or personal care products? Contact me about our workshops!

Natural health to you and yours,