
iPod touch, Alicia Silverstone and Moshi

Three new things I have discovered and love. Alicia Silverstone's The Kind Diet, Moshi and my iPod touch.

Moshi 101

What is Moshi?

Even though the stuff has been around forever, I just learned about it in Silverstones' book.

Moshi is a super nutritious bake and serve snack made from brown rice. It is wheat and gluten free and can be eaten in many different ways.

What do I so with Moshi?

I cut it up into squares and fried it up in a pan for approx 8min and then drizzled it with yummy brown rice syrup!

I used my fancy new iPod touch and Hipstamatic app (which has a variety of very cool old school lens effects) to document the process.

I am not sure what I love more! Silverstone's book, the Moshi or my iPod touch.
