

Do you bottle or tap it? And I don't mean beer.

During my walk home from a photo shoot last Friday I came across this sign on a city of Toronto garbage/recycling bin.

About six months ago I made the decision to stop buying bottled water, but I can't help thinking if my decision was a mistake??!

Currently, I fill up my stainless steel water bottle with Toronto tap water I filter at home. However, I am troubled about this decision. The city of Toronto admits there is chlorine in our tap water... don't believe me see here

I am trouble by this because chlorine is a known carcinogen and we don't just drink tap water - we bathe in it, wash our dishes in it, cook with it, and wash our little loved ones in it. The city claims the small amount of chlorine in tap water is safe for us to consume, but do their tests take into account all of the ways we use tap water and how it is absorbed by our bodies? After all our skin absorbs 67% if what you put on it.

For more info on the dangers of chlorine read here

What happens to wildlife when the water that runs down our drains makes its way back to animals and ecosystems?

Where does the chlorine go? Does it build up or breakdown overtime?

Don't forget chlorine is also used to bleach toilet paper, diapers, facial tissues, napkins, and feminine products! Ladies we especially have to be careful as feminine products have direct contact with our genitals and can reek serious havoc on our reproductive organs and health. Look for chlorine free options available in most grocery stores and pharmacies now. I highly recommend Natracare Feminne Products and Seventh Generation Diapers and Cleaning Products. For your laundry and cleaning needs I highly recommend oxygenated bleach, also by Seventh Generation... most are color safe and get your whites super bright without harming our health, animals or the environment. Not to mention neither company tests on animals! All members of Natural Beauty Coop dance with approval!

I am writing the city to find out more about chlorine in our tap water. I will keep you posted on my findings and their response.

For now I will filter and worry away wondering do we have to sacrifice our health for the environment? Why can't we find an option that keeps water safe for our bodies and the environment?! After all everything is connected. Chlorine is not good for us, animals or the planet. There must be a better way?!
